Not A Business Blog – An Old Superstition And A Wise Saying.

I spent most of my childhood in a ranch, in Uruguay; proverbs, sayings and superstitions were part of the daily diet. How about this one?

If by mistake you wore any garment inside out, your shirt or your sweater maybe, somebody would quickly tell you that for sure, you were going to receive a surprise gift.

I had totally forgotten that old superstition until today, when I sat down to draft a new blog and it suddenly came back to me. And immediately I thought of another saying, this one in English:

“Success is failure turned inside out.”

So between the two of them I got my dose of inspiration and mystery for the weekend, and I am passing it along. And no, you are not supposed to cheat and wear something inside out to force a surprise; it has to happen on its own, by mistake.