Archives for April 2016

Ask and you shall receive.

Want to make sure your next campaign is as robust as it can be? Make it an inside-out campaign.

Have your marketing communications or advertising guys ask your people what’s their own opinion about the new product you want to launch. (Make sure they explain to them first what you’re trying to do and why.)

Your staff should be told to punch as many holes as they can in the new product, and whenever possible, to put it to work as a customer would, with big expectations and no pity. Have them try your competitors’ equivalent product, and comment (freely) about the differences, both positive and negative. Don’t forget to find out from the people on the floor, not just from their managers, whether the new product can be developed, tested, manufactured, packaged and delivered on time to meet the campaign promises. And… keep the phone operators and receptionist in the loop so when a prospect calls, attracted by your awesome advertising campaign, and wants more info about the new product, she doesn’t utter the damning words – “Sorry, sir, I really cannot tell you about it, I have no information.”